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Mac: Show hidden files - how to do it

To show hidden files on your Mac you need some commands. You need to enter them into the terminal on your device. For them to take effect, it is necessary to restart the Finder. Hidden files can also be hidden again.

You can use these commands to show hidden files on the Mac

Files and folders whose names begin with a period are not shown to you directly on the Mac. However, you can show them by using the appropriate key combination. If you press the keys "cmd" + "Shift" + ".", all hidden files and folders will be displayed slightly transparent. Alternatively, the display is also possible by entering commands in the terminal. .
  1. Start the terminal first. You can search for it by entering the term "Terminal" in the Spotlight search.
  2. Once you have opened it, please enter the following command: "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles - bool TRUE".
  3. You do not need to restart your Mac, but restarting the Finder is necessary. Perform it using the command "killall Finder".
  4. All hidden files and folders will now be displayed transparently in your Finder.

Mac: Hide hidden files again

If you want to hide hidden files or folders on your Mac again, this is possible with a few commands. Open the Terminal app again and enter the command "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool FALSE". For the changes to take effect, you need to restart the Finder. Do this with the following command: "killall Finder".

By Elene

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