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What network has blue? This speed can be expected

In order to be able to surf the Internet carefree via smartphone, it is necessary to find a suitable mobile provider. It does not matter whether you directly make a contract or whether you use a prepaid SIM card. Each provider, including Blau, uses a specific mobile network in the process.

This network is used by the provider Blau

If you want to sign a new mobile phone contract or you have a new SIM card, then it is first necessary to choose one of the many providers. In this decision, it can help, among other things, to know which network this uses. Some mobile providers, such as Blau, do not have their own network and use that of another provider - usually with restrictions.
  1. Blue is one of the many providers that belong to Telefonica. This group also includes O2, among others, which is why the two use the same network. The O2 and E-Plus networks were merged some time ago, which also improved network coverage throughout Germany.
  2. If you want to make sure that you are always reachable at work or at home, you can check the "Blau" website to see what the network coverage is like in a particular location. This is especially worthwhile if you want to use Blau LTE.
  3. The Telefonica network is behind the D1 and D2 networks in many tests. These are operated by Telekom and Vodafone. For this you get tariffs in the Telefonica network usually much cheaper.

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