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What is the speed of LTE? How to find out your surfing speed

The question of what speed LTE has, can not be answered uniformly. First, the surfing speed with LTE depends on which LTE version is available to you. In addition, older smartphone models in particular don't support the latest speeds and data rates.

LTE: At what speed can I surf?

To find out what speed your LTE is, take a look at your contract. With LTE CAT 4, for example, you can achieve a maximum download speed of up to 150 MBit per second. With LTE-A or LTE+ (4G), download speeds of up to 1,000 MBit/second are possible.
  1. The further development of 4G technology is 5G. Here, speeds of up to 100 GB/s can theoretically be achieved. Here, however, the additional designation LTE falls away completely.
  2. Are you looking for a new smartphone and want a fast Internet performance, so check the technical details of your desired model.
  3. With which LTE speed you can surf, also depends on which network you surf. Check the offer lists of the contract providers to see what surfing speeds you can expect with your tariff.

Why do I not reach the maximum speed?

Whether you want to surf on the PC or on the smartphone, the performance of your Internet depends largely on the location. In der Praxis kommt es daher oft vor, dass die im Vertrag versprochenen Surfgeschwindigkeiten nicht erreicht werden.
  1. Machen Sie einen Speedtest, um herauszufinden, wie gut die Leistung Ihres Internets ist.
  2. Ist Ihr Internet zuhause langsamer als erwartet, versuchen Sie, das WLAN-Signal mithilfe eines Repeaters zu verstärken.

By Maidel

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