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Mac OS: "Show hidden files" - how to see all content

In every operating system there are so-called "hidden files" next to the files you see. These files are not visible at first glance, but there are suitable functions with which you can display the contents. Mac OS also provides you with suitable options for this.

Show hidden files in Mac OS: See hidden contents

Hidden files are contents that are usually not shown in a file list. In Mac OS, as in all UNIX derivatives, they are marked with a dot at the beginning. These "hidden files" can be an .svn directory, a .bash_profile or other system files. To prevent inexperienced users from accidentally causing damage to the system by deleting or modifying files, they are hidden as a precaution.
  1. If you want to view the hidden files, first open the Finder on the device.
  2. Click the "Mac HD folder" on the left side.
  3. Now press the key combination "Command" key + "Shift" + ".". Now you will see all the hidden files in the Finder. Press this combination again, the files will be hidden again.
  4. In addition to a key combination, you can also use a terminal command to display the files in the Finder. To do this, first open the Terminal on your Mac.
  5. Then enter the command "defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles true" and press Enter. Set "true" back to "false" to hide the files.

By Wera

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