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GTA 5 Larry Tupper: How to complete the bounty mission

In the game GTA 5 you are in Los Santos, San Andreas. You have the opportunity to explore the city, where numerous quests await you. Among other things, you can become a bounty hunter. One of the people you have to hunt is Larry Tupper.

How to find Larry Tupper in GTA 5

In Grand Theft Auto 5 you will find numerous clients. In addition to the main missions, there are also many side missions in the open world. This includes, for example, being a bounty hunter. As Trevor, you can accept Maude's orders and then go hunting for specific people in the game. The second bail fugitive you need to capture is Larry Tupper.
  1. You complete the bounty mission once you have captured or killed the fugitive.
  2. The search for Larry can begin once you have completed your first bounty mission. In this one you have to find Ralph Ostrowski.
  3. You will receive the bounty order by email. Larry Tupper is a former colleague of Johnny Lapwing.
  4. To find him, you must be southwest of the desert in Grand Senora. You will find Larry Tupper on a farm in the middle of the map. Er steht direkt neben dem Scheunentor.
  5. Wenn Sie ihn töten möchten, dann ist hierfür ein Angriff aus der Ferne empfehlenswert.
  6. Um eine höhere Belohnung zu erhalten, bietet es sich an, Larry lebendig abzugeben. Dafür ist es notwendig, seine Bewacher zu töten und Larry anschließend mit einem Elektroschocker oder ähnlichem niederzuschlagen.

By Earvin Zavesky

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