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Windows: Screen has no signal - that's the reason

Sometimes on computers with Windows as operating system the problem occurs that the screen has no signal. Depending on the cause, there are several approaches to fix the error. What helps on the PC and laptop, we show you here.

Windows: This helps when the screen has no signal

If the screen of your Windows PC has no signal, this can have several causes. First, check if the screen is properly connected to the PC and all cables are firmly seated in the connectors. If this is the case, please continue as follows:
  1. Make sure that the screen is connected to the power supply and switched on.
  2. To rule out a defect in one of the connection cables, take another cable as a test and connect the PC and screen to it.
  3. If the screen can be switched on but remains black, it may be that you have selected the wrong source. To switch between the different inputs, please press the appropriate button on the monitor.
  4. Sometimes a defect in the graphics card is also the cause if the screen has no signal. To check this, simply connect the screen to another port of the PC.

Windows laptop screen has no signal

If the problem does not occur on the PC, but on a Windows laptop, there are also several possible solutions. On the laptop keyboard, press the key combination of "Windows key" + "P" and "Enter" several times to switch between screen modes. Alternatively, restart the laptop, press the "Ctrl" key to get to the login screen and enter password blindly before confirming with "Enter".

By Lizzy Deprizio

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