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iPhone X: The device hangs constantly

Even new devices like the iPhone X can hang from time to time. When this happens, the iPhone's complete functionality is interrupted and the touchscreen no longer responds to inputs. However, this does not mean that the iPhone cannot be put back into operation, it just takes a little time.

iPhone X keeps hanging up: This may be the reason

Why the iPhone permanently gets into a problem can not always be determined directly. An iPhone is a sensitive smartphone, which gets problems for various reasons.
  1. Do you feel that the case of the iPhone is particularly warm? If so, your iPhone is most likely overheating and therefore hanging up. In many cases, it then also shuts down automatically.
  2. If an update to a newer version of iOS has been performed recently, this may also be the cause of the problem. Not every version is completely bug-free at release.
  3. If your iPhone has been subjected to a blunt blow, the hardware in the device may be damaged. In this case, usually only helps to send the device in.

Emergency solution

  1. To get the iPhone back in operation at least in the short term, a soft reset can be performed.
  2. Sollte das nicht funktionieren, muss ein Hard Reset helfen.
  3. Drücken Sie dazu schnell nacheinander die Lauter- und Leiser-Taste und halten Sie anschließend alle Seitentasten gedrückt, bis das Apple-Logo erscheint.

By Gladdie

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