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Star Citizen: Are you getting Error 10002? Our tips help

Star Citizen is still in the alpha phase and accordingly does not always run smoothly. Among the most famous error messages is Error 10002 and our guide shows what could help then.

Star travel in a roundabout way: error 10002 is very annoying, but can often be solved quickly.

Error 10002 usually appears at the very beginning and prevents the main menu from loading. At least this way you know early on where you stand and can start troubleshooting.

Star Citizen: Error 10002 and the possible solutions

Error 10002 is about a connection or network problem. Consequently, the solution leads in this direction:
  • One possibility is that you are using too old a version of the RSI launcher. Download the latest version and test if the error persists.
  • Another common reason is an incorrect (or outdated) entry for RSI servers in the "hosts" file, which you can find in "Windows\System32\drivers\etc". Open the file (for example with the WordPad) and delete all IP addresses related to Star Citizen / RSI.
  • In your firewall or router should release the ports TCP 8000 - 8020 and UDP 64090 - 64110.
Should the problem persist, a VPN solution helps in the vast majority of cases. Hierfür gibt es viele verschiedene Anbieter, eine Anleitung für Windows 10 gibt es hier. Weitere Infos zu Error 10002 finden Sie auf dieser RSI-Seite.

By Keligot Farmar

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