EVE Online: Buy PLEX - Prices and content at a glance
The complexity of EVE Online is evident not only in the game, but also in the options for buying paid content. Our guide explains what PLEX is all about.
With PLEX you can buy omega time and go shopping in the game.
EVE Online is financed via microtransactions. The backbone of this system is called PLEX.EVE Online: Buy PLEX for fast progress
PLEX is a currency that you can use for various purposes:- You can exchange PLEX for the in-game currency ISK so that your in-game account balance grows. ISK are required for all transactions in EVE Online, such as buying skill extractors or trading resources on the market.
- Alternatively, you can use PLEX to purchase the all-important Omega game time. This gives you access to all game content and doubles the training speed.
- The smallest package includes 110 PLEX for 4.99 euros.
- Further levels are 240 PLEX for 9.99 euros, 500 PLEX for 19.99 euros, 1,100 PLEX for 39.99 euros and 2.860 PLEX für 99,99 Euro.
- Wer es wirklich ernst meint, der kann 7.430 PLEX für 249,99 Euro oder 15.400 PLEX für 499,99 Euro kaufen.