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Linux: Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine

If you see the message "Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine" when using your Linux PC, this can have several causes. Often, the cause of the problem is the operating system configuration file. We provide tips to help you solve the problem.

Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine: How to reinstall Docker in Linux

If you have Linux installed as your operating system on your computer and you receive the error message "Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine", this is an indication of a problem with the configuration file.
  1. To fix the problem, the first thing you need to do is stop Docker and disable it. To do so, open the terminal and type the following command: "systemctl stop docker. servicesystemctl disable docker. service".
  2. Then, uninstall Docker via the package manager by typing "sudo apt-get remove docker.io docker" there.
  3. Also, make sure that the folders "/var/lib/docker/", "/run/docker.pid" and "/run/docker.sock" have also been removed from computer.
  4. If you then reinstall and restart Docker, the error should no longer occur.

Further help with Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine error

If the error message still occurs, a configuration overwrite issue may be the cause. To fix this, please delete the host entry from the configuration file and create a new configuration file at "/etc/system/system/docker.service.d/hosts.conf". Add to this the entry "[Service]ExecStart=ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H tcp://" and save the file before restarting Docker.

By Kawasaki Mcabee

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