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Windows: Keyboard misaligned - how to fix the problem

If the keyboard of your Windows computer no longer works properly, this does not necessarily have to be due to a defect. Often, the keyboard was merely adjusted by mistake and the change can be easily undone. The correct procedure always depends on the type of change.

Windows: These are the most common causes of a misaligned keyboard

Since many keyboard settings in Windows are changed simply by pressing a key combination, it can happen that the keyboard is accidentally misaligned. If you notice, for example, when writing that other characters appear than are printed on the keys, the language layout of the keyboard was adjusted.
  1. To set the keyboard language back to German, either hold down the keys "Alt" +"Shift" simultaneously or click on the language icon in the taskbar.
  2. If your keyboard only writes in uppercase letters, check whether the Caps Lock key is activated and press it again if necessary to write normally again.
  3. Another common error is writing numbers instead of letters. To fix this error, press the "FN key" and the "Num key" together to disable the numeric keypad.
  4. If existing letters are overwritten when typing new words, pressing the "Insert key" will help.

keyboard misaligned: This helps if the problem persists in Windows

If the problem persists even after performing the above steps, open the Windows Control Panel and navigate to "Keyboards and Input Methods" > "Change Keyboards" in it to check the keyboard settings. If this also does not help, there is probably a defect, so that a repair or replacement of the keyboard is necessary.

By Thorner

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