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jDownloader hoster problem: Fix the bug

jDownloader is a download manager that can automatically download files from sharehosters and video portals. To do this, jDownloader independently searches websites and starts downloading suitable files. The program is based on Java and always requires the latest version of the Java Runtime Enviroment.

Solve jDownloader Hoster Problem

The jDownloader Java program allows you to automatically download files from websites. Under certain circumstances, the error message "Hoster Problem" occurs. There are several possible causes. Some of them affect jDownloader and can be solved by you in a few minutes. However, in case of a hoster problem, there is always a possibility that it is a problem with the servers of the website in question. Maybe the links are broken or the files are corrupted. In this case, there is nothing you can do. You may still be able to find the file you want from another provider.

You can test these solutions

  1. Install updates: Check if there is an update for the Java Runtime Enviroment and install it.
  2. Disable firewall: Test if the file can be downloaded manually. If it does, disable the firewall. Sie können den jDownloader als dauerhafte Ausnahme eintragen und die Firewall dann wieder aktivieren.
  3. Verbindungen pro Hoster begrenzen: Öffnen Sie den jDownloader, wählen Sie „Einstellungen – Max Verbindungen pro Download“ und tippen Sie hier den Wert „1“ ein

By Sedgewake

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