Football Manager 2021: Release date fixed - all info
For two years at the latest, the Football Manager series has also been very popular in Germany. Therefore, the announcement that the 2021 part now also has a fixed release date is all the more pleasing.
A new season: Despite the pandemic, FM 2021 will be released in the same calendar year.
Football Manager 2019 began the conquest of the German gaming market, and the march of success continued in 2020. Manager professionals can now look forward to the next level.Football Manager 2021: Release in November 2021
SEGA and Sports Interactive have revealed the secret about the release date in September 2021:- Football Manager 2021 will be released on November 24, 2021.
- The PC version will be available on Steam and Epic Games.
- Whoever pre-orders on one of the two platforms will get a 10 percent discount and may even start with the game two weeks earlier via Early Access.
- In addition, the 2021 edition will find its way to the Xbox (both generations).