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BookBeat for the whole family: it's possible with this subscription

BookBeat's subscriptions don't just cover single users, but also offer options for the whole family. Our guide explains what the pricing model looks like and what options you have.

Audio book fun for young and old: the BookBeat family subscription makes it possible.

Signing up for BookBeat is quick and easy. This also applies if you opt for the family subscription.

BookBeat: subscription flexibly customizable for families

The BookBeat system gives families the following options:
  • As a basis, you need one of the subscriptions for single users.
  • Then you can add up to four more users. This costs 4.90 euros per person, regardless of the booked subscription.
  • All authorized people can use BookBeat at the same time.
  • All profiles are available the same number of hours per month. This number depends on the subscription, as explained here.
By the way, additional users are already possible during the two-week trial period, for 2.50 euros per person. For children who get their own profile, there are also ready-made children's profiles. These contain deliberately child-friendly audio books and can therefore be used without hesitation.

By Parthinia

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