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Seeing Tinder matches without gold - is it possible?

In addition to the free basic features of the dating app, Tinder also offers some additional features such as viewing Tinder Likes that can only be used with an active subscription. Find out if you can see your Likes without a subscription and what tricks there are.

How Tinder works

Tinder works simply. If you like another user, swipe right in the matching function to give a Like. If you do not like a profile, you swipe to the left and assign a Dislike. If both sides like each other, a match is made.
  • Tinder itself is free and you can use all the basic functions such as the matching function, displaying your matches or the chat without any problems.
  • However, there are some additional features that can only be used with a Tinder Gold subscription. With the premium subscription, you can, for example, display which people have liked your profile.

Show Tinder Likes even without a subscription - these options you have

Without a gold subscription, you can not display Tinder Likes. However, there are some tricks you can use to find out who has liked your profile.
  • The Tinder algorithm usually works in such a way that the matching function first shows you users who have already liked your profile. The probability is accordingly high that the first profiles you see in matching have given you a Like.
  • You can also call up your Likes without a subscription, but the profiles are then displayed blurred. However, the shapes and colors on the profile pictures can be easily recognized. Remember characteristic shapes and colors and keep an eye out for them in the matching function.

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