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Fortnite: Failed to initialize BattlEye Service Generic Error

In many games it can happen that other participants cheat. To prevent this, AntiCheat services are set up. In Fortnite, the program BattlEye is used. If you are shown the error "Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: Generic Error", it can be fixed in a few steps.

How to solve the "Failed to initialize BattlEye Service Generic Error" error in Fortnite

In games, AntiCheat services are usually used to detect cheaters and remove them from the game if necessary. In Fortnite, the program BattlEye is used. If you encounter the error "Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: Generic Error", then you can fix it in a few steps.
  1. To solve the problem, you first need to click on the Fortnite folder on your PC. Usually, this is located in the path "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\Win64\BattlEye".
  2. Open the BattlEye folder and open the file "Uninstall_BattlEye.bat".
  3. Now BattlEye will be uninstalled first.
  4. After that, go to the Epic Games client to open your library.
  5. Anschließend klicken Sie auf das Zahnrad-Symbol neben „Fortnite“.
  6. Wählen Sie hier die Option „Verifizieren“ aus, um BattlEye wieder zu installieren.
  7. Starten Sie das Spiel, falls nicht bereits geschehen, neu und überprüfen Sie, ob die Meldung erneut auftritt.
  8. Ist das Problem dennoch nicht gelöst, wenden Sie sich an den Kundensupport von Fortnite.

By Temple Maccini

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