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Excel: Undo and redo command

In all programs and application you perform actions, some of which you would rather undo. But even changes that have already been reverted, every now and then you want to go back to the original position. The cycle is sometimes endless and costs a lot of time and effort without a corresponding function.

Excel: Undo command - it's that easy

In the spreadsheet program Excel, especially, it's human to make mistakes. Some tables are so large and complex that many inputs must be reverted.
  1. To undo an input just made, you must press the appropriate button in the interface.
  2. This is usually located in the upper left corner of the window and is symbolized by an arrow rotated counterclockwise.
  3. By pressing the button, the last action is reverted and not saved.
  4. Alternatively, you can also use the key combination [Ctrl] + [Z].
  5. This is especially with multiple resets significantly more convenient than clicking the icon.

Excel: Wiederholen eines Befehls

  1. Es kann vorkommen, dass eine gerade wieder rückgängig gemachte Änderung doch wieder in den Ausgangszustand gebracht werden soll.
  2. In diesem Fall müssen Sie im Fenster oben links auf den im Uhrzeigersinn gedrehten Pfeil klicken.
  3. Alternativ hilft auch eine Tastenkombination, mit der mehrere Aktionen hintereinander ausgeführt werden können.
  4. Nutzen Sie dazu die Tasten [Strg] + [Y] gleichzeitig.

By Odysseus Montalto

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