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"Install Ok Google" - enable the assistant

There are now numerous voice assistants that you can control via various commands. Google also offers you such assistance. If you want to use the assistant on your smartphone, then you need the corresponding app. Then you can activate it with "Ok Google".

How to install "Ok Google" on your smartphone

If you want to query the weather or other information from the Internet by voice command, you need a suitable voice assistant. To use Google's assistant, all you need is the appropriate app. You can then activate it and use it at any time via the command "Ok Google". Setting up new commands and unlocking your smartphone is also possible afterwards.
  1. The first thing you need is the Google Assistant app. This you can download depending on the operating system in the App Store or Google Play Store on your smartphone and then install.
  2. Once the process is complete, start the app.
  3. Click here first on the icon with the three dots to open another menu.
  4. Tippen Sie auf den Eintrag „Einstellungen“, um weitere Änderungen vornehmen zu können.
  5. Im nächsten Schritt wählen Sie „Spracheingabe“ aus.
  6. Hier klicken Sie nun auf „Ok Google“ und anschließend auf „Voice Match“.
  7. Danach müssen Sie den Eintrag „Mit Voice Match zugreifen“ über den Button aktivieren. Nun können Sie den Sprachassistenten über „OK Google“ aktivieren und nutzen.

By Berhley Miriello

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