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Buy NEM - How to trade the currency

NEM (short for New Economy Movement) is a promising new cryptocurrency. To buy them, you need to download a wallet. Then you can buy the coins on a website.

What to do to trade NEM?

NEM is considered one of the top 10 cryptocurrencies, but it has not yet risen too much in value. Nevertheless, you can make high profits especially with such a new cryptocurrency. Still 1 NEM costs significantly less than one US dollar. A Bitcoin, on the other hand, was over 15,000 US dollars in the meantime.The basic idea of NEM is also somewhat different from Bitcoin. The developers focus on sustainability, financial freedom, equal opportunities and self-determination. The cryptocurrency called XEM is thereby only one part of a larger platform.

Buy NEM online

To be able to buy NEM, you first need a wallet. Then you can buy the cryptocurrency.
  1. Download the official NEM wallet. To do this, visit the NEM website, select your operating system and install the application. Also, create an account for your wallet.
  2. Then go to a website where you can buy NEM. Dafür bietet sich zum Beispiel bitpanda.com an.
  3. Klicken Sie auf den Bestätigungslink in der erhaltenen E-Mail.
  4. Wählen Sie nun NEM (XEM) als Kryptowährung, geben Sie Ihren gewünschten Betrag ein und geben Sie vor allem Ihre NEM-Wallet-Adresse ein.
  5. Wählen Sie eine Zahlungsmethode aus.
  6. Überprüfen Sie nach dem Kauf, ob die Kryptowährung in Ihrem Wallet angekommen ist.

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