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Minecraft: How to trade with villagers

In the open voxel world of Minecraft, you can shape the environment the way you like. Besides, you'll fight against many monsters that appear, especially at night. In the world there are also different villages, with the inhabitants you can trade.

How to trade with villagers in Minecraft

In Minecraft, you fight your way through an open world with different biomes and enemies. As you travel through the world, you will encounter different villages where NPCs live. These offer you the possibility of trade.
  1. If you want to trade with a villager, you have to walk up to him and right-click on him.
  2. Now a trade window appears, where you can use the arrow keys to view the various offers of the villager.
  3. Each resident offers different things to exchange, with emeralds mostly used as currency.
  4. If you want to enter a trade, place the desired amount in the left field and then take from the right field the exchanged items.
  5. The offers of the villagers depend on the profession of the NPC.
  6. When you complete a trade, you can also unlock an achievement. This will appear once you have bought or mined 30 emeralds. Den Erfolg „Was für ein Geschäft!“ schalten Sie frei, wenn Sie einen Handel mit einem Dorfbewohner eingegangen sind.

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