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RimWorld: Getting Plastahl - these options are available

In the ranking of the most advanced materials in RimWorld, Plastahl is at the top. For a real high-tech colony, plastic steel is essential and that's why we explain how you can get it.

Strong, light, valuable: Plastahl is the object of desire in the endgame of RimWorld.

You need Plastahl for many high-end objects in RimWorld, first and foremost for building the spaceship.

RimWorld: How to get Plastahl

Plastahl becomes really important mostly when you want to build the analyzer. This accelerates the research and opens more paths to unlock.
  • In the beginning, passing merchants are your best chance to Plastahl.
  • Possibly you can also find Plastahl in a mountain range to mine - but this is rather rare.
  • Later, when you have reached the required technological level, you can extract Plastahl with the deep drill. In this way, you will get significantly more units. Vorher müssen Sie das Vorkommen mit einem Scanner finden.
  • Auch durch den Abbau von zerstörten Mechanoiden bekommen Sie Plastahl.
Mit Plastahl können Sie unter anderem Ihre Defensivanlagen und Ihre Waffenauswahl enorm verstärken. Dies ist besonders auf hohen Schwierigkeitsgraden wichtig, da Sie immer häufiger von immer stärkeren Angreifern attackiert werden.

By Onfre

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