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"Java failed to load class org slf4j impl staticloggerbinder"

You may receive the following error message when trying to use WebSphere: "Java failed to load class org slf4j impl staticloggerbinder". It indicates that the logging framework slf4j is missing in the code. To solve the problem, you need to add a package to your class path. You can use five different packages.

Fix Java error message

If your Java editor gives the error message "Java failed to load class org slf4j impl staticloggerbinder", this indicates a package dependency problem. A logging framework, i.e. a library that can be used to retrieve certain information, is missing. The problem can be fixed by calling the missing library in your class path. To do this, you can include different packages that fulfill different requirements. The problem often occurs when users work with WebSphere. Especially the WebSphere 6.1 version is affected. Find out about the requirements of WebSphere before further processing. You can also get useful information from the documentation of SLF4J. Since the error occurs with many users, the website for the project provides detailed help on how to fix it. Sie können sich auf der Website auch an ein Forum wenden und andere Nutzer um Hilfe bitten.

Diese Pakete können Sie nutzen, um den Fehler zu beheben

  • slf4j-nop.jar
  • slf4j-simple.jar
  • slf4j-log4j12.jar
  • slf4j-jdk14.jar
  • logback-classic.jar.

By Morril

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