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MHW: Catching Nekkers - here's how to do it

The Witcher event has now arrived on PC. As part of the co-op adventure, you can get Nekker gear for your Palico. Read how it works.

Timing is everything: The Nekker can be captured with a little trick.

The prerequisite is that you have an open critical quest with the principals in Astera after completing the Geralt quest for the first time. According to this, you need to capture a figure that is not from this world.

MHW: Catching a nekker with a catch net - here's how

This is a nekker. Catching this one is pretty simple:
  1. Enter the Ancient Forest area at night time. Bring your ghillie cloak with you. Recommended for this is the quest "Hard to digest".
  2. Select camp 1 and enter area 1. Wait until the Great Jagras appears and fills his belly.
  3. Then carefully follow him into his cave. Put on the ghillie cloak to become invisible.
  4. In the middle of the cave, the Great Jagras spits out the food to feed his little offspring. This opportunity is also taken by the Nekker, who suddenly appears to enrich himself.
  5. Equip the catch net to capture the Nekker with it.
Return to Astera to finish the quest. Sie können anschließend in der Schmiede eine neue Waffe sowie ein Rüstungsset in Nekker-Optik für Ihren Palico herstellen.

By Coke Reddick

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