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Mozilla Thunderbird help - here you can find a guide

Thunderbird by Mozilla gives you the ability to merge and manage your emails from different accounts. If you need help using the program, then there are various sections available. However, it is not possible to get help via phone or email.

How to find help for Mozilla Thunderbird

If you have problems with Mozilla Thunderbird, there is no way to get help via phone or email. This is because it is a free, open software that is maintained by volunteers. Nevertheless, there are various platforms through which you can get answers to your questions.
  1. If you have a question, you can first look for help via the forum. Here you also have the opportunity to search for similar cases that have already been solved. Therefore, before you post your own contribution, it is worth looking at the other posts first. In forums usually answer several people, whereby especially rare errors can usually be solved quickly.
  2. About the FAQ you will also find frequently asked questions. Eventuell finden Sie hier bereits die nötigen Lösungsmöglichkeiten zu Ihrem Problem.
  3. Es gibt außerdem die Möglichkeit, über einen Chat nach Hilfe zu fragen. Hierbei erhalten Sie meist schneller Hilfe als über das Forum.

By Udela Hoeg

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