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Open WhatsApp: Using the handy messenger

The messenger service WhatsApp is one of the most widely used apps. Although the application has numerous competitors, such as Telegram or Signal, the vast majority still use WhatsApp. If you want to send messages via WhatsApp, you can open the app.

How to install WhatsApp

First, you need to install WhatsApp on your smartphone. Here's how:
  1. Open the Play Store.
  2. Type "WhatsApp" in the search box.
  3. Wait for the app to install.

Open WhatsApp

After installation, you can open the app with one tap:
  1. Open the menu on your device.
  2. Search for the application. The icon is a white handset in a green circle.
  3. Tap on the icon.
  4. The app will open.
The switch from SMS to WhatsApp makes sense and you should not be afraid to try the app. Communication is much easier with WhatsApp and they get many additional features. For example, with WhatsApp you can also make phone calls and video chat. Since all data is transmitted via the Internet, there are no charges even for international calls and messages to people abroad. However, make sure you only download large files when you have Wi-Fi, and it is also better to conduct video chats only with a Wi-Fi connection. Otherwise, the mobile data available to you per month can be used up quickly.

By Lightman

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