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Enable Cookies: Google Chrome

Cookies are the first pop-up that opens when you visit a web page. They store your behavior while browsing the web and make custom settings. If you want to enable your cookies on Google Chrome, we'll show you how.

Enable cookies for Google Chrome

Cookies offer many advantages. They make it possible that you do not always have to log in again with your password on a website, but it can be stored. Cookies are also responsible for showing you preferred items on your part or placing personalized advertisements. Normally, cookies do not need to be activated separately, as they automatically store data while you are using the Internet. However, if you have turned off your cookies, they can be reactivated as follows:
  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Click on the icon with the three dots below each other.
  3. Select "Settings" and click there under "Privacy and Security" on the item "Website Settings".
  4. Now select the option "Cookies".
  5. To activate them, select the slider next to "Blocked". Um sie wieder zu deaktivieren, müssen Sie den Punkt „Speichern und Lesen von Cookiedaten zulassen“ deaktivieren.
  6. Ihre Cookies sind jetzt aktiviert.
  7. Verwenden Sie die Chrome App für ein Android-Smartphone, dann erreichen Sie die Option ebenfalls über das Dreipunkt-Menü-Symbol. Anschließend wählen Sie „Einstellungen“ > „Website-Einstellungen“ > „Cookies“. Danach können Sie den Punkt „Cookies“ aktivieren.

By Kristyn

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