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E-scooters: registration - what you have to consider

E-scooters are now present in almost every German city. If you would also like to drive around with the vehicle, then this is regulated by the ordinance for small electric vehicles. This describes what you have to fulfill in order to be allowed to drive an e-scooter in Germany.

This is how the registration of your e-scooter takes place

In Germany, rental companies for e-scooters are becoming increasingly popular. Usually, you can rent and pay for an e-scooter there via an app. The scooter models used have a road registration, because without it you are not allowed to participate in road traffic. However, if you want to buy a vehicle yourself, it is important to also pay attention to the registration.
  1. Most e-scooter models do not yet have a registration in Germany. Usually, the providers of the scooters must register them with the appropriate office and apply for approval.
  2. Once the TÜV has checked them and found no defects, the model receives road approval. If defects are found, a rectification and a new test must take place. Accordingly, the process may be delayed for some time.
  3. When you buy a scooter, you must ensure that it has a general operating permit. Hat er keine, können Sie unter Umständen die entsprechenden Mängel an Ihrem Fahrzeug beseitigen und anschließend eine Einzelbetriebserlaubnis beantragen.
  4. Um diese zu erhalten, müssen Sie einen technischen Dienst beauftragen, der ein Gutachten des Scooters erstellt. Da dies hohe Kosten mit sich bringen kann, lohnt sich der Aufwand für gewöhnlich nicht.
  5. Auch eine KFZ-Haftpflichtversicherung müssen Sie abschließen.

By Scholem Shimomura

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