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What is the Amazon Fire TV? You should know

To stream movies or series on your TV, you need additional hardware that allows you to connect to the Internet. For this purpose, you can connect an Amazon Fire TV to your TV. These streaming media adapters are also known as HDMI sticks.

What is an Amazon Fire TV

An Amazon Fire TV is a streaming media adapter, also known as a set-top box. This connects to your TV via an HDMI port. Afterwards, you get a user interface on your TV, which you can use to connect the stick to the Internet. This connection is usually made via WLAN.
  1. Once you have connected the adapter, you can connect it to the Internet.
  2. Now you have numerous pre-installed apps to choose from. Alternatively, you can download additional apps. These also include various streaming providers.
  3. Amazon's Fire TV is therefore an adapter that allows you to stream content from the Internet to your TV.
  4. There are now many different versions of the Fire TV. Some devices also support 4K. To take advantage of this, you will need a high-speed HDMI cable.
  5. Some Fire TV sticks also offer control via an Alexa voice remote. So können Sie die Medien-Inhalte über diverse Sprachbefehle steuern und auf dem Fernseher anzeigen lassen.
  6. Um den Adapter nutzen zu können, benötigen Sie einen Amazon-Account. Ein Prime-Abo ist jedoch nicht unbedingt nötig.

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