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Setting up N26 with Google Pay: How easy it is

Contactless payment is more popular than ever in 2020, and Google Pay is increasingly the first option among Android users. If you'd like to use your N26 account there, we'll help you get set up.

Modern payment process: N26 and Google Pay are a good fit.

N26 is experiencing strong growth rates in Germany. Google Pay is also on the rise. The combination is almost logical.

How to activate your N26 account with Google Pay

Proceed as follows:
  1. Open Google Pay and select "+ Payment method".
  2. Enter your account details and follow the mandatory steps.
  3. For verification, you will receive an SMS on the smartphone linked to your N26 account. You must enter the code contained therein in the app query.
Followed by this, you will see that your N26 account has been successfully linked and is now ready for payments with Google Pay. You can try this out directly the next time you shop, provided the checkout has a reader with NFC, which is always the case in large supermarkets or department stores, for example.

By Honey Altizer

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