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Install Google Pay: How easy it is

Thanks to services like Google Pay, you no longer have to carry your wallet with you when you shop. If you'd like to try smartphone payment for yourself, we'll show you how to install it.

Download and use: Google Pay is quick to install and set up.

From a technical perspective, Google Pay is simply another app. Accordingly, the installation works quickly.

How to install Google Pay

The prerequisite for Google Pay is Android version 5 (Lollipop), which includes not only the latest smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy S10, but also significantly older models.If this condition is met, the installation runs like any other app:
  1. Search "Google Pay" in the Play Store or call this link in the browser.
  2. After installation, you must link your Google account with the app. However, this usually happens automatically.
  3. In the next step, you can set up a credit card or PayPal with Google Pay.
Google Pay, by the way, is not only reserved for Android users - the app also exists for iOS. This is convenient, for example, for people who have switched from Android to Apple, but still want to use Google Pay because it is already set up.

By Batchelor Gotwalt

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