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What is WYSIWYG? What does the abbreviation mean

In the age of the Internet, there are a lot of abbreviations floating around. Many of them are usually very short, consisting of three to five letters. However, there are also longer abbreviations such as WYSIWYG. But what does that actually mean?

Where exactly does WYSISWYG come from?

The acronym WYSISWYG means "What you see is what you get" and describes an input principle in text editors. No code is written, but the essential components are clicked together. Figuratively spoken with an Internet side thus Buttons, pictures and left are pushed only with the mouse into the correct place, until a finished web page results.
  1. Bei WYSISWYG certain components are defined and then edited. The whole thing is also called a real image representation.
  2. So different user interfaces, such as an app or a website, can be created without the use of code.
  3. WYSISWYG also allows people without any programming experience to create a website and do not need to know any programming language.
Other similar acronyms are WYSIWYM (What you see is what you mean), WYSIAYG (What you see is all you get), WYSIWYP (What you see is what you print) or WYSIWYN (What you see is what you need).

By Fennessy

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