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Sky Ticket abroad - what to look out for

Sky is the successor to Premiere. You can easily enjoy movies, series or sports events via the streaming service. But what about the transmission of Sky Ticket when you are abroad? Find out everything you need to know in this article.

Sky Ticket: Different program abroad?

  1. If you move abroad, you do not have to do without Sky Ticket.
  2. Except for those countries that do not offer the service at all. In these, Sky can not access the servers.
  3. If you log on to Sky Ticket abroad, you will usually be redirected to the account in whose country you are. So if you have a German Sky account, but are in England, you get the English program displayed.
  4. This ensures that you do not use an offer whose license was not acquired in your current country of residence. This affects several regional offers.
So you can use Sky Ticket without any problems, only you will have a different program available.

Alternative: movie download

If you have the option to access Sky Q, it is a good idea to download movies before your stay abroad. This way you are neither dependent on the available program on site nor on a working internet connection.

By Gerrard Bergum

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