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Virus on iPad - is it possible?

On a normal iPad it is not known that viruses can spread. However, if you have jailbroken your device, it is very vulnerable to viruses of all kinds. The safest way to restore your iPad is to reset it to factory settings.

How do I remove a virus on my iPad?

It is important that - even if your iPad is not jailbroken - you stay away from dubious websites. In case of a jailbroken iPad, you should carefully check every app you download on your device. In the regular App Store, Apple manually checks every app for malicious content. A jailbroken device, on the other hand, is vulnerable to viruses of all kinds. Especially if you work with sensitive data, you should think twice about a jailbreak.

reset iPad to factory settings

If you suspect a virus on your iPad, you should reset it to factory settings. This will lose all data including malware.
  1. If you already have a virus on the device, the safest option is to reset the device. Otherwise, it may be that the virus has not really been removed and third parties can continue to read your data.
  2. Nevertheless, create a backup of your device via iTunes or iCloud in case it is not a virus after all, but a hardware error, for example. Anschließend navigieren Sie zu Einstellungen > Allgemein > Zurücksetzen.
  3. Klicken Sie auf „Alle Einstellungen zurücksetzen“, um alle Daten vom Gerät zu entfernen.
  4. Geben Sie Ihren Sicherheitscode ein und klicken Sie auf „iPad löschen“. Damit sind all Ihre Daten vom Gerät unwiderruflich entfernt.
Weitere Informationen zu den besten Apple iPads finden Sie auf Computerbild.

By Normand

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