Capture radio hole: How to find it out with the Federal Network Agency
The mobile network is becoming more and more advanced, yet reception is still far from perfect everywhere. With the help of the Federal Network Agency, you can specifically find radio holes. Read how it works.
Suddenly offline? The Bundesnetzagentur's app shows you if you're in a dead zone.
Even the best tariff isn't much use if network availability is below average.This is the Bundesnetzagentur's dead zone app
The Bundesagentur has developed a special app specifically for dead zones:- This is called "Breitbandmessung" and is available for Android as well as iOS. It is the same app with which you can also perform speed tests.
- After installing the app, you can test how good your current network connection is at the location under "Detect wireless holes".
- You get the result graded in "No network", "2G", "3G", "4G" and "5G".