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What does IMHO mean? This is how the abbreviation is used

In social media such as Twitter or Facebook, but also in chats, it may happen more often that you encounter the word IMHO. This is an abbreviation about whose exact translation there are different views. We give you an overview of what IMHO means.

This is how the abbreviation IMHO is used

IMHO is an abbreviation that, similar to LOL and CU, is mainly used when chatting or in social media. In contrast, IMHO tends not to be used in everyday communication or business emails. Even though IMHO is used today especially in comments and text messages, the acronym has been known since 1986, when it was used in an article in a computer magazine.

This meaning has the abbreviation IMHO

What exactly the abbreviation IMHO means, there are different views. The most widespread is the use of IMHO as an abbreviation for the phrase "In My Humble Opinion", which translated means as much as "In my humble opinion".
  1. If IMHO is used in this sense as an abbreviation, however, this is usually meant ironically.
  2. People who use IMHO in your text messages or comments, thus want to emphasize their expressed opinion particularly and not about, as the translation suggests, be humble.
  3. In addition to the use of IMHO as an abbreviation for "In My Humble Opinion", there is a second variant, where IMHO stands as an abbreviation for "In my honest Opinion".
  4. In contrast to the first variant, IMHO is used here to express his honest opinion or to be particularly polite.

By Mirella Kniess

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