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WhatsApp status: settings - these options are available

Do you post pictures or videos to your WhatsApp status? Then you should check who can see your status. You can decide for yourself whether all your contacts can see the status or whether you only want to share it with certain users.

Setting the status in WhatsApp

In WhatsApp's status, you can post pictures and videos that are then visible for 24 hours. Who can see your status, you can set in the settings. Decide here whether only certain people can see the status or exclude individual users from your status. Of course, you can also share the status with anyone who has your mobile number. When you post a picture in the status, the small number at the bottom of the picture shows who has seen your status. However, this only works for users who have read receipts turned on. So keep in mind that there are always more users who see your status than are shown via this feature.

How to change status settings

  1. Open WhatsApp.
  2. Tap "Status" at the top center.
  3. Select the three dots in the top left corner.
  4. Tap "Status Privacy."
  5. Select who can see your status.
  6. Wenn Sie „Meine Kontakte wählen“, kann jeder Nutzer, mit dem Sie Kontakt hatten, Ihren Status sehen.
  7. Wählen Sie „Meine Kontakte außer“, dann können Sie einzelne Personen von Ihrem Status ausschließen.
  8. Bei „Nur teilen mit“ können Sie gezielt festlegen, wer Ihren Status sehen kann.
  9. Beenden Sie die Einstellungen, indem Sie auf „Fertig“ tippen.

By Ricca Winchenbach

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