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iPhone is not recognized: Windows 10 - that's why

Windows 10 is the latest operating system from Microsoft. Since it hasn't been on the market for too many years, you may still encounter some compatibility issues here. These can also occur with your iPhone, which is why it happens that the device is not recognized.

Potential problems on Windows 10

If your iPhone is not recognized, it is usually related to your USB port or to the Lightning USB cable from your phone. Check both cables to rule out a defect. Additionally, there may also be a compatibility issue with your Windows 10. You may need to reboot the system.

How can you fix the problem in Windows 10?

  1. First of all, you should check the USB ports of your computer. If you use a lot of devices via USB connections, there may be a problem with the voltage distribution. Depending on how your computer is set up, it may not be able to provide enough voltage for a good connection and consequently your iPhone may not be recognized.
  2. Check the USB cable and the connection of the iPhone. If the iPhone is recognized with a different cable, you have found the cause.
  3. Restart both your iPhone and the computer. Try it again with the pairing. Wird das Smartphone immer noch nicht erkannt, setzen Sie die Geräte eventuell neu auf, um Software-Defekte auszuschließen.

By Care

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