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Hitman: Get Showstopper Trophy

In Hitman, there is an opportunity to get the "Showstopper" trophy if you kill Viktor Novikov in a very specific way. As is often the case, you must not blow your cover during your plan, so that everything works.

This is how you get the Showstopper trophy in Hitman

To get the Showstopper trophy in Hitman in the mission "Showstopper in Paris", proceed like this:
  1. The mission starts in front of a palace where a catwalk is taking place. First, go inside the building.
  2. You will find security guards everywhere. Get the clothes of one of the security men as camouflage.
  3. As a member of the security you can now go backstage. There you will find a schedule for the show. Read through this.
  4. Look for the dressing room of the models.
  5. Once the fashion designer Sato enters, throw a coin into the exhibit in the room. This will cause music to start playing and Sato will leave the dressing room.
  6. Follow him and take him out. Hide the body.
  7. Now finish off a waiter to secure his clothes as a disguise.
  8. With the disguise, go to the upper floor.
  9. Look for a crowbar.
  10. Then go to the scaffolding for the lighting system of the stage show. In the middle you will find a device.
  11. Now wait until the show begins and Viktor Novikov enters the stage. Er läuft bis in die Mitte, wo er die Show eröffnen will. Sobald er in der Mitte ist, lockern Sie das Seil und erhalten die Trophäe „Showstopper“ und 15 Gamerscore.

By Khano

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