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MontanaBlack: These Channels the Streamer Operates - Overview

The streaming scene has become large and complex. This is evidenced by the fact that many streamers operate more than one channel. We show which channels Germany's current top streamer MontanaBlack owns.

Subdivided by topic: Multiple channels are now the norm for top streamers.

We've summarized the most important info on the MontanaBlack streaming phenomenon and the person behind it in this guide.

MontanaBlack: Own channels and third-party channels explained

On YouTube it looks like this:
  • His main channel "MontanaBlack" is also the oldest channel.
  • His second channel "SpontanaBlack" deals mainly with gaming content.
  • In addition, there are the channels "Right Kevin" and "The Crew". However, these are run by fans, with the concept of creating best-of compilations. The streamer himself has agreed with the operators on a shared profit model.
  • The same applies to the much newer channel "MontanaBlack Stories", which is about the Instagram stories of the streamer. External people are also responsible for this.
It should not be forgotten that MontanaBlack now carries out his live streams on his Twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/montanablack88. Dort hat er nämlich einen Exklusivvertrag unterschrieben; YouTube ist damit nur noch eine Art Zweitverwertung, wenn auch eine durchaus lukrative.

By Citarella Tobin

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