HOME > S > Samsung Tv: Search For Channels - These Steps Are Necessary

Samsung TV: Search for channels - these steps are necessary

Starting a new channel scan can have different reasons. This can be the purchase of a new TV or a change of the receiving device. On your Samsung TV, you also have the option to search for channels manually or automatically. Depending on the model of your TV, the procedure may differ.

How to search for channels on a Samsung TV

Depending on the Samsung model, the procedure for searching for channels on the device may differ. On older models, you can find the automatic search by clicking the menu button on the remote. On newer models, this is done via the home button. These devices include the K (2016), M/QLED (2017), and N/QLED (2018) series.
  1. On your Samsung remote, press the Home button. Then select the "Settings" item. You can recognize this by the gear icon.
  2. Now click on "Channel reception" and then on "Autom. channel scan".
  3. Select "Autom. channel scan" again and then "Start".
  4. Follow the instructions, selecting whether you receive the channels via cable, satellite or terrestrial.
  5. Wenn es sich bei Ihnen um Kabel handelt, geben Sie bei den Suchlaufparametern „Digital“ an.
  6. Sobald Sie alle Einstellungen getroffen haben, wählen Sie „SCAN“, um den Suchlauf zu starten.
  7. Wurde der Vorgang abgeschlossen, klicken Sie auf „Schließen“.

By Trometer Max

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