HOME > Streaming > Waipu.tv: Sort Channels - This Option Is Available

Waipu.tv: Sort channels - this option is available

Waipu.tv allows you to access various TV channels via the appropriate app. This streams over 100 channels to your device. The channels you can watch depend on the package you choose. If you want to find the desired programs faster, you have the option to sort them.

This is how you sort the channels of Waipu.tv

With the offer of Waipu.tv you have the possibility to access numerous TV channels. The available offer depends on the selected subscription. Waipu.tv is available as an app for Android and iOS devices - here it is independent whether it is a smartphone, tablet, PC or TV. If you would like to have a better overview of your channels, you can sort them according to your preferences.
  1. Go to the Waipu.tv app on one of your devices.
  2. Switch to the "Program" tab. There you will see the current channel list.
  3. If you want to change the order, tap the pencil icon to start the edit mode.
  4. To move a channel to another position, long press the channel and then move it to the appropriate position.
  5. On the other hand, if you want to delete a channel, tap the minus. With the plus you add new ones. A deleted station is always selectable via the station selection, this disappears only from your station list.
  6. The new list is updated on all connected devices.

By Jempty Roscoe

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