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Resetting the G8S - how it works

The G8S from LG uses the Android operating system, which runs on all smartphones except Apple devices. In any case, if you want to reset the phone, you should make a backup beforehand, as this will ensure that your data can be restored.

How to reset the LG G8S?

As with all Android devices, there are several ways to reset the LG G8S phone. You can either connect it to a PC and reset the smartphone to factory settings via it, or you can use the internal options.
  1. Open the settings on the LG 8GS and tap "General" > "Backup and reset" and then "Reset to factory settings".
  2. Now you will be asked to confirm the process. Do this, all data on your smartphone will be deleted. You may want to create a backup before.
  3. If your phone can not be turned on at all, because it already crashes at startup, you can also while the smartphone is off the volume down and the power button pressed.
  4. If the LG logo appears, release the power button and press again.
  5. Now the Android Factory menu appears. Navigieren Sie mit der Lauter- und der Leiser-Taste zu „factory reset / wipe data“ und bestätigen Sie mit der Power-Taste.
  6. Nachdem das Telefon neu gestartet ist, ist das G8S zurückgesetzt.

By Bolme

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