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Elite Dangerous: Why Odyssey will be so important

Per DLC, Elite Dangerous will soon get some extremely powerful new features. The update will be called Odyssey, and our guide explains why anticipation is so high among ED fans.

New possibilities: With Odyssey, Elite Dangerous should gain a lot of popularity.

The success of Elite Dangerous so far was based on the fact that the so-called "space trucking" was not very complex, but still compelling. With Odyssey, it is now to go a whole step further.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey allows first-person gameplay

On the Odyssey DLC, you should know this info:
  • With Odyssey, first-person gameplay makes its way into Elite Dangerous. This gives the game a whole new facet, because landing (and hiking) on planets will also be possible.
  • There you can expect diverse landscapes as well as settlements with NPC characters.
  • You can also explore space stations on foot.
  • Fittingly, battles in first-person shooter style are also possible.
An exact release date is not yet - early 2021 is announced after all. The Steam page for this already exists. The update will be free for owners of the main game on all three platforms. A foretaste provides this Announcement trailer.

By Gregson Prakesh

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