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Change LG G8S Pin: Simply set a new pin

You can change the pin on your LG G8S at any time in the settings. You can find the necessary option under "General". Choose a secure pin that cannot be guessed by third parties and make sure you remember it well.

Change the pin on LG8S

When you set a pin on your smartphone, it will be prompted every time you turn on the device. The pin is also prompted for system-relevant settings, for example when you want to reset the device. You can activate and change the code in the settings. Do not use a sequence of numbers that can be easily guessed. You should especially avoid using the date of birth. Also, make a note of the pin in a safe place. If you forget the number, you can only access the device again by resetting it. This will delete all personal data and cannot be recovered.

How to find the setting

  1. Open the settings on your G8S.
  2. Select "General".
  3. Tap on "Fingerprints & Security".
  4. Wählen Sie „SIM-Sperre einrichten“.
  5. Gehen Sie zu „PIN der SIM-Karte ändern“.
  6. Geben Sie den alten Pin ein und tippen Sie auf „OK“.
  7. Wählen Sie einen neuen Pin und geben Sie diesen zweimal ein.
  8. Tippen Sie wieder auf „OK“.
  9. Der neue Pin wurde gespeichert.

By Fishback Mickley

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