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Mafia 3 collectibles - you can find them in the game

In Mafia 3 you are in the year 1968 in the USA. While you are completing the various missions in the game, you can also find various collectibles. These items come in six different categories. They include Playboy magazines, album covers, Vargas paintings and other objects that you can collect throughout the game.

These collectibles are available in Mafia 3In Mafia 3 you will find numerous different collectibles. You can see how many of these you have already found via the game menu in the "Collection" section. There you can also see what percentage of this task you have already completed. The collection objects can be found all over the ten districts of New Bordeaux. If an object is near you, you'll see a corresponding icon on your mini-map. In total, there are collectibles from six categories.
  1. The Playboy magazines are issues of the men's magazine. These can be on shelves as well as spread all over the floor.
  2. In addition, you can find various album covers, these are usually bands from the 1960s.
  3. Another category of collectibles are Vargas paintings. Das sind Geschenke von Sal Marcano an seine Männer.
  4. Außerdem finden Sie diverse Hot-Rod-Magazine, aber auch kommunistische Propaganda, die überall verteilt ist.
  5. Ein weiteres Sammelobjekt stellt die Kirchenzeitschrift Repent der Glaubensgemeinschaft von New Bordeaux dar.

By Bultman

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