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Tidying up Android 9 - how to organize your apps

On an Android smartphone, things can get cluttered. With the new Android 9, a Google bar has now been added, which ensures that you have much less space available for app icons on your screen. Therefore, you now need more pages for your apps.

How to tidy up Android 9?

For Android, as for any previous Android version, delete, delete, delete, so that you use less memory and thus have memory free again for new applications.
  1. Every app more that you have on your smartphone and do not use, fills up your screen further. So the first thing you should do is delete all unnecessary apps from your phone.
  2. Clear the cache data. The data shortens the loading time of the app. You can delete these under "Settings" > "Apps" > "Memory" > "Cache" > "Clean up".
  3. Empty your download folder. You can also just delete individual files out, but it is best if you clean up the whole folder.
  4. Move data such as photos or other large files to the Google Cloud storage. Dafür gehen Sie einfach auf die Datei und auf „Freigeben (Teilen)“ und wählen dort „Google Drive“ aus.
  5. Nutzen Sie die Micro SD Karte. Legen Sie große Dateien auf der Micro SD Karte ab. Sie können diese auch auf Ihrem PC zwischenspeichern und eine größere Micro SD Karte mit mehr Speicherplatz in Ihr Smartphone einsetzen. So haben Sie weitaus mehr Platz.

By Ready Dennison

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