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eBay Comfort: How the new service works

Through eBay Comfort, you can sell your items directly to merchants through eBay, instead of an auction and random private sale. So far, there aren't many partners supporting the service, but there will be significantly more in the future.

eBay Comfort: What you need to know about the service

If you want to sell directly to a merchant through eBay Comfort, the process is a little different from the previously known auction principle.
  1. With eBay Comfort, you turn to sell your items directly to certain merchants who specialize in buying and selling specific goods.
  2. By selling directly, you save time and effort.
  3. You can put your items online and contact the dealers directly.
  4. They submit you in return an offer at a fixed price for your goods or put the goods on your behalf for you.
  5. Of course, the price you can bid directly to the dealers is usually significantly lower than if you get rid of the item through an auction.

eBay Komfort: Ungeklärte Fragen zum Dienst?

  1. Den Dienst können Sie jederzeit und vollkommen kostenlos nutzen.
  2. Wenn Sie weitere Fragen zu Vorgängen und Umständen haben, können Sie auf diese Webseite wechseln.
  3. Dort befindet sich die FAQ von eBay zum Komfort Dienst.
  4. Bei weiteren Unklarheiten können Sie sich auch direkt an den Kundenservice wenden.

By Pansy

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