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Netflix: Change download quality - how to do it

Netflix videos can be downloaded on your iOS or Android device to watch them even without an internet connection. Depending on which download quality you use, the videos take up different amounts of storage space. But how do you actually change the quality?

Change download quality: This is how the Netflix download function works

If you have installed the Netflix app on your smartphone or tablet, selected movies and series are available for download. To use the download function, however, your device must meet some conditions. For example, in addition to an active streaming account with Netflix, you need at least Android 4.4.2 or iOS 9.0 or newer as the operating system. Furthermore, the download of videos is only possible with an existing Internet connection and with the latest Netflix app.

Netflix: How to change the download quality on iOS and Android

If you want to download your favorite movies and series to your mobile device, you have two download qualities to choose from. Please follow the steps below to adjust them:
  1. On Android devices, to change the download quality, please open the Netflix app first and tap the three dashes icon in it to open the menu.
  2. Go to "App Settings" > "Download Video Quality" in the menu and select "Standard" or "High" as the quality.
  3. If you are using the Netflix app on iPhone or iPad, you can change the download quality by clicking "More" in the bottom right corner of the app and navigating to the "App Settings" entry.
  4. Please open it and tap "Video Quality" to switch between the two available qualities.

By Gayla Abasta

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