> Payment systems
> Is Portugal The New Bitcoin Paradise? All Info On The Tax Situation
Is Portugal the New Bitcoin Paradise? All info on the tax situation
The question about the tax aspects is as old as Bitcoin itself. A news item from Portugal caused quite a stir in this regard. Our guide summarizes what it was all about.
Officially: at least VAT is no longer an issue for crypto traders in Portugal.
Anyone who trades in cryptocurrencies or even generates them themselves should always be aware of the tax situation. In Portugal, there was now a clear statement.Portugal: Bitcoin and Co. exempt from VAT
In August 2019, a message from Portugal went through the financial and crypto scene - and triggered positive feelings throughout:- According to a newspaper report, the Portuguese tax and customs authority confirmed that trading in cryptocurrencies is not subject to VAT. This specifically concerns the exchange of cryptocurrencies to real money and vice versa.
- Also valid is this for mining, i.e. the production of cryptocurrencies.