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LinkedIn: Profile slogan - how to attract attention

The LinkedIn platform allows you to network with each other on a professional level. For example, get to know business partners, potential new employers or colleagues and exchange ideas with each other. You can also integrate your resume and acquire new contacts with some tips and tricks.

LinkedIn: How to use the profile slogan

The profile slogan is practically your signboard on LinkedIn. It attracts the reader's attention and arouses curiosity about the rest of your profile. Therefore, it is important that you take into account one or two hints regarding its elaboration in order to make a good impression right from the start. Therefore, be creative and captivate potential employers or business partners right from the first moment.
  • For the profile slogan, use a description that is as catchy as possible and does not consist of too many words. "Less is more" is the motto here. Focus on your goals in terms of career and define them more precisely later in the description.
  • This also includes an expressive and serious profile photo. It should have been created by a professional photographer and come across sympathetically.
  • Also in the description, you can later fall back on the profile slogan and build there on a few, but impressive key points. Machen Sie auf LinkedIn auf sich aufmerksam und beschreiben Sie Ihre Karriereziele.
  • Stellen Sie auch Ihre Kenntnisse in den Fokus, damit potentielle Arbeitgeber und Geschäftspartner Sie womöglich für eine weitere Zusammenarbeit kontaktieren.
  • Darüber hinaus sollten Sie auch Gruppen beitreten, um sich möglichst breit aufzustellen und auf sich aufmerksam zu machen.

By Merras

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